
About Heath

It was a love of photography that inspired Heath Robbins to leave his job as an agency executive and travel the world with a camera in hand. More than twenty years later, it is his love for food, people, and making pictures, that continues to fuel his commercial photography career with focus and passion. For every client and for every shoot, Heath sets out to capture moments, tastes, and emotions that pull people out of their everyday, and straight into the moments that he creates.


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Entries in still life (1)

Early Morning Beginnings...........

 The day starts with lots on the agenda........breakfast, warmth, treats, home-made goodness, moodiness, atmosphere.  All are key words to keep everyone focused on the task at hand.  Treats are starting to be made, the smells are amazing and the kettle is humming with water heating to add touches of warmth to the plans.  Winter is coming to a close and Spring is around the corner - or so we hope, but today - we continue to focus on the cozy feeling you can get with the right food, beverages and settings.

A day of shooting with Catrine is a day of wonder - plans that seem to expand and evolve.  Her energy and vibrant spirit, tied with Heath's intensity and passion, create magic on the set.  Little touches of powdered sugar here, a small sifter that adds a touch, a hint of light that strikes the set just in the right way, a peek of light blue that glistens against the white porcelain and pops just the right amount.  It almost feels like it creates music - especially when it all just works.

These are the days........creation by a team of passionate, creative, thoughtful people.  It's a good day!