
About Heath

It was a love of photography that inspired Heath Robbins to leave his job as an agency executive and travel the world with a camera in hand. More than twenty years later, it is his love for food, people, and making pictures, that continues to fuel his commercial photography career with focus and passion. For every client and for every shoot, Heath sets out to capture moments, tastes, and emotions that pull people out of their everyday, and straight into the moments that he creates.


Blog Index

Entries in Food Photography (6)

Happy Holidays! ...again

Jenna here! I'm taking over the blog for a bit while Heath is on set with back to back to back to back shoots.

All summer long we shoot glistening turkeys and delicately wrapped presents on front of sparkling trees. We get to celebrate the holidays over and over again! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at a shoot we did for the Staples "Holiday Center" website. This wasn't the usual subject matter...who knew you could make gorgeous centerpieces out of pushpins or delicate desserts from Bugles? We had so much fun working with the husband and wife styling team Jeremy and Caroline Woodward; there was lots of glitter flying at midnight before our shoot! The master of confections, Monica Mariano styled our food. Our new in-house producer, Drew, survived (and flawlessly executed) his first big job. We cruised through an aggressive shot list with both Heath and Jason shooting and the awesome team from Staples bouncing between sets. Check out these fun picts from our day! And, of course, the reason we all worked so hard...

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