
About Heath

It was a love of photography that inspired Heath Robbins to leave his job as an agency executive and travel the world with a camera in hand. More than twenty years later, it is his love for food, people, and making pictures, that continues to fuel his commercial photography career with focus and passion. For every client and for every shoot, Heath sets out to capture moments, tastes, and emotions that pull people out of their everyday, and straight into the moments that he creates.


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Entries in photography website (1)

PDN Photo Annual Winner

We're thrilled to announce that our new website was selected as a winner in the 2013 PDN Photo Annual! This contest is one of the most respected in our industry and we're honored to be a winner. Click here to check out our website featuring Heath Robbins' food and lifestyle photography.  And, here is PDN's online announcement!

The relaunch of our site clearly presents food and lifestyle photography as Heath's two specialties. The architecture is easy to navigate and allows us to display big pictures that load quickly for the user. Since the launch, visits have increased and more in-person portfolio reviews have been booked, which have resulted in several new accounts!  

A huge thanks to Dan Stewart at Deep Group for designing the site and to Drew and Jason who prepared dozens of picture files for the launch of this site. Bravo team!
