
About Heath

It was a love of photography that inspired Heath Robbins to leave his job as an agency executive and travel the world with a camera in hand. More than twenty years later, it is his love for food, people, and making pictures, that continues to fuel his commercial photography career with focus and passion. For every client and for every shoot, Heath sets out to capture moments, tastes, and emotions that pull people out of their everyday, and straight into the moments that he creates.


Blog Index

Entries in fun (2)

Testing with kids

If you follow my blog then you've heard me talk about the importance of testing to develop your work and your style. It's a little different than interpreting a layout and then giving your input to an art director who already has a vision in his or her mind. With testing you are the art director as well, dealing with your own interpretations and desires and doing all the execution as well, and utimatley having to please no one but yourself.

It's important because first, it pushes your craft, and second, it gives you a tremendous understanding of what your clients deal with everyday.

A few weeks ago I finally put into motion an idea I had thought about for sometime about shooting kids in all out summer fun mode. Given I love kids I thought this would be a total blast! As I got into the planning of it I also realized how seamless the production would need to be if I was going to achieve my goals and get the images I wanted. So my crew choices and the model choices were going to be absolutley critical.

I'm happy to report that everything went perfectly and the crew and models were fantastic! We had a beautiful day, lots of laughs and a bunch of kids who went home exhausted and full! Many, many thanks need to go out to my crew: Joy Howard for her awesome food styling of popsicles and ice cream in 90 degree heat; to Lizzy Williams for all the fantastic toys and props for the kids to play with; to Coco Grace for her always perfect hair and make up, to Erin Riley for the sweet wardrobe choices. Also have to acknowledge my producer Sharon for always keeping me on track and the engine running at full speed and Katherine Hennessy, my rep for pushing me to do more than I thought I would. Finally if you ever shoot with kids...... Do. Not. Forget to call Kelly Naugler; amazing ability to motovate kids.

Here are some of my favorite pics from the shoot:

The crew:

Celebration.........all around

A special gathering of friends, clients, peers and co-workers to celebrate the ebb and flow of the studio.  Kristin is moving on to a new frontier (literally) down in Texas and Sharon has stepped back into Massachusettes and will be managing and producing for the studio.  It's all pretty exciting stuff and it was a nice Summer evening sharing stories over some drinks and apps, catching up on news and life.  Thanks to all who were able to come by and to those that didn't make it ~ no worries, another cocktail party can't be too far away!